setpref('group','pref',val) sets the preference specified by group and pref to the value val . Setting a preference that does not yet exist causes it to be ...
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This MATLAB function sets the specified preference in the specified group to the specified value.
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addpref('group','pref',val) creates the preference specified by group and pref and sets its value to val . It is an error to add a preference that already ...
getpref('group','pref') returns the value for the preference specified by group and pref . It is an error to get a preference that does not exist.
ispref('group',{'pref1','pref2',...'prefn'}) returns a logical array the same length as the cell array of preference names, containing 1 where each preference ...
rmpref('group') removes all the preferences for the specified group . It is an error to remove a group that does not exist. Examples. addpref('mytoolbox', ...
setstr. Set string flag. Description. This MATLAB 4 function has been renamed char in MATLAB 5. Previous page, setpref, set (timer), Next page ...
uisetpref('clearall') resets the value of all preferences registered through uigetpref to 'ask' . This causes the dialog box to display when you call uigetpref ...
uigetpref. Display dialog box for retrieving preferences. Syntax. value = uigetpref(group,pref,title,question,pref_choices). Description.
Dynamic field names express structure fields as variable expressions that MATLAB evaluates at run-time. See Technical Note 32236 for information about using ...