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audioplayer from books.google.com
... audio player? */ if (self.audioPlayer != nil){ self.audioPlayer.delegate = self; /* Prepare to play and start playing */ if ([self.audioPlayer prepareToPlay] && [self.audioPlayer play]){ NSLog(@"Started playing the recorded audio ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer object to an appropriate value. If you choose a value of 0, the sound will not loop (which is want you ... audioPlayer.numberOfLoops < 0 } set { if newValue { audioPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1 } else { audioPlayer.numberOfLoops ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer.volume = volumeControl.value ; 52.9 Creating Initializing the AVAudioPlayer Object Now that we have an ... audioPlayer = [ [ AVAudioPlayer alloc ] initWithContentsOfURL : url error : & error ] ; if ( error ) { NSLog ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] 29: initWithContentsOfURL:noSoundFileURL error:nil]; 30: 31: } The setup of the audio player begins in line 25. Here ... audio player, audioPlayer, is allocated and. The Media Playground Application 675.
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audio player (audioPlayer) with the contents of the noSoundFileURL. The audioPlayer object can now be used to initiate playback of this default sound. Controlling Playback To start playing back the audio file that is referenced by ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer: AVAudioPlayer! Make sure to replace the files array with the filenames that you use for your own audio files. The audioPlayer does not have a value yet at this point. You will set up the audio player next. Before you can ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer.bufferSize ( ) / TWO PI ; float x1 = 0.0 ; // these variables are only used locally in th e loop below ... < audioPlayer.bufferSize ( ) - 1 ; i ++ ) { // setup the left spiral float left1 = audioPlayer.left.get ( i ) * 350.0 ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... AudioPlayer resumePlaying ] : } 4 In AudioPlayer pausePlayingli } else else ifta pAudioPlayer.isPlaying & plastButtonPlayed sender ) } } < plastButtonPlayed senders self.ivBackground.imagepSelectedscale . inageForAcousticscale ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audioPlayer = try? AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: audioURL!) if audioPlayer != nil { audioPlayer.prepareToPlay() } } @IBAction func playAudio(_ sender: UIButton) { if let player = audioPlayer { player.play() } } @IBAction func stopAudio(_ ...
audioplayer from books.google.com
... audio player */ self.audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithData:fileData error:&error]; /* Did we get an instance of AVAudioPlayer? */ if (self.audioPlayer != nil){ /* Set the delegate and start playing */ self.audioPlayer ...