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A Flutter plugin to play multiple simultaneously audio files, works for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows, and web.
This class contains flags to control several secondary, platform-specific aspects of audio playback, like how this audio interact with other audios, how is it ...
An AudioPool is a provider of AudioPlayers that are pre-loaded with an asset to minimize delays. All AudioPlayers are loaded with the same audio source.
It holds methods to play, loop, pause, stop, seek the audio, and some useful hooks for handlers and callbacks. Constructors.
An Audio Context is a set of secondary, platform-specific aspects of audio playback, typically related to how the act of playing audio interacts with other ...
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A generic representation of a source from where audio can be pulled. This can be a remote or local URL, an application asset, or the file bytes.
API docs for the AudioPlayerException class from the audioplayers library, for the Dart programming language.
This class represents a cache for Local Assets to be played. On desktop/mobile, Flutter can only play audios on device folders, so first this class copies ...
API docs for the AndroidContentType enum from the audioplayers library, for the Dart programming language.
AudioContextIOS class ... A platform-specific class to encapsulate a collection of attributes about an iOS audio stream. Annotations. @immutable. Constructors.